Create a Healthy Morning Routine in 6 Steps - Holycrap

Create a Healthy Morning Routine in 6 Steps

We all have that friend who swears by their 5-mile sunrise run, followed by a cold shower, and a 20-minute meditation every morning. And we couldn’t be happier that they’ve found their thing…

But what about the rest of us?

Like a “one size” shirt does not fit all, there’s no one way way to start your morning. It can take some trial and error to create the right morning routine for you, but never fear! We’re here to provide some concrete tips on how to create a morning routine that you’re excited to wake up to.

Why is a healthy morning routine important?

What you do right when you wake up sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you roll out of bed and head straight into the sea of your inbox, it can be difficult to regain focus.

Research shows that the average person’s stress levels (akacortisol), peak upon waking up. By calming yourself first thing, you can lift your mood and improve your ability to handle stress.

Note: this isn't a replacement for medication or therapy. If you’re experiencing ongoing anxiety, please ensure that you talk to your doctor.

1. Start small

Whoever coined the phrasego big or go home didn’t have consistency in mind. When trying to start a new routine, try integrating things gradually. Avoid trying too many new things at once. 

Excitement and vigor are powerful things, but, it can be all too easy to burn out within a week from pure overwhelm.

A 5-min morning routine that you do consistently is far better than an elaborate 2-hour routine that you do every second Thursday. Slow and steady win the race. Start with one simple thing, then add more as the weeks and months progress if that feels right for you. 


2. Put the phone away

Do you check your phone the minute you wake up? Don't worry, you’re not alone!

According, 80% of Americans check their phone withinthe first 10 minutes of waking up.

It can be difficult to not answer your boss, or stalk your ex on Instagram first thing (we’ve been there too ). But trust us, your brain will thank you if you spend your mornings away from your phone.

Phones have unlimited information right at your fingertips. When checked first thing, it sends your groggy brain straight to overdrive. And once you've fixated on how you’re going to respond to a client, it's going to be a challenge to focus on what needs to get done. This leaves you feeling behind when you’ve only begun. 

Our advice? Invest in an alarm clock and leave your phone out of your bedroom overnight.


3. Get the blood pumping

We know you roll your eyes to your friend’s “runner’s high” talk, but they have a point.

No, you don’t have to go out and run 10km (and we wouldn’t recommend it if you haven’t trained ). But, exercising in the morning is ahealthyway of working with your stress levels.

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